Jesus Our Substitute Click here for my YouTube videos on salvation.
What does it mean that Jesus died in our place?
Imagine that you are before a Judge charged with serious crimes. You are found guilty and given a fine that you cannot pay. When you tell the Judge that you can't pay the fine, he tells you to go to jail and to stay there until you can. At that moment, someone comes into the court and pays the fine for you. The Judge would then tell you that you are free to go because your fine has been paid ... justice has been served. If someone did that for you, you would be eternally thankful to them.
Well, that's what Jesus has already done for us. The Bible says that, "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). Jesus suffered and died on the cross for our sins so that we could be set free. It's that simple - we broke God's Law and Jesus paid the fine. God has accepted Jesus' death as payment for the sins of the world so now, through repentance and trusting in Jesus, we can be set free from sin's penalty of hell and be sure of heaven.
To accept God's offer of forgiveness and be saved, go to How To Be Saved.
My personal testimony can be read at My Testimony.